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KOUN, KAROLOS (Proussa Asia Minor, 1908 - Athens, 1987) Wonderful theatre director, founder of "LAIKI SKINI" in 1934 and of the famous "ART THEATRE" in 1942. During the perios of "LAIKI SKINI", he directed Euripides' "Alcestis" and Hortatsis' "Erofili". In the "ART THEATRE", he presented plays of the an- cient drama ("Oresteia", "Oedipus Tyrannus", "Persae", "Birds", "Acharnians", "Plutus") as well as great plays of the universal dramaturgy, written by Ten.Williams, Jean Anouilh, Arthur Miller, Lorca, Ibsen, De Filippo, Pirandello, Beckett, Pinter. His perfor- mances of interesting and well-written modern greek plays (by Kambanellis, Anagnostaki, Kehaidis, Skourtis, Sevastikoglou, Pontikas) are considered to be masterpieces. |