The Theatre Museum was founded in 1938 by the “Greek Playwrights’ Society” under the Presidency of author Theodoros Synadinos. Yannis Sideris, the great historian of Greek Theatre, was the Firsts Director of the Museum, dedicating his life and work to the meticulous gathering and organizing of a rich selection of theatrical exhibitions and archives concerning the whole and interesting history of the Hellenic Theatre. In a few years, the Theatre Museum succeeded in becoming and being recognized as a very dynamic and profound “Hellenic Center of Theatrical Research” possessing a monumental and unique archive of manuscripts and books (dating to the 18th century), theatre programs (since 1880), photographs, negatives, slides, posters, newspaper articles, interviews or theatre critiques, films’ archive, audiovisual material (around 1.800 videos of winter and summer theatrical performances of Greek or foreign plays since 1984, taped exclusively and under the absolute responsibility of the Museum), disks and audiotapes of some of the most famous radio theatrical pieces, operas, theatre or film music, etc.). Today, the “Hellenic Center of Theatrical Research” is the only one so completed and thorough all over Europe. All the artist, directors, actors, students of University Theatre Departments and Drama Schools (Greek or foreign) and all kinds of researchers involved with theatre theory or practice, visit the Theatre Museum and its Research Center in order to complete their papers and get informed about theatre news in general. Some of the most notable and known Greek authors and theatre experts presided all those years over the Theatre Museum, attempting to enrich its collections and to organize various events or exhibitions for its promotion and publicity. The Board consists of nine members who are elected every three years. The “Hellenic Center of Theatrical Research – Theatre Museum” is housed in 50, Akadimias Street and the Theatre Library in 7, Karamanlaki Street-via Patission Avenue. The Theatre Museum possesses since 1991 a quite developed computing system, both at the Research Center and the Library, in order to be able and prepared to help and provide access as fast as possible, to all the necessary information needed. It will soon become a very important and completed source that will forward theatrical research, cultivation and education in general.