Έκκληση για το Θεατρικό Μουσείο |
Παρά τις μακροχρόνιες και επανειλημμένες εκκλήσεις προς το Υπουργείο Πολιτισμού, το μοναδικό Θεατρικό Μουσείο της χώρας που γέννησε το Θέατρο, κλείνει. Η ιδέα του θεατρικού Μουσείου που ξεκίνησε το 1938 από τον Γιάννη Σιδέρη, άντεξε τον 2ο Παγκόσμιο Πόλεμο, την Δικτατορία, και εδραιώθηκε το 1976 την εποχή της μεταπολίτευσης, εκπνέει την εποχή του ΔΝΤ, την εποχή της απόλυτης εκποίησης όχι μόνο των οικονομικών αξιών, αλλά κυρίως της εθνικής και πολιτισμικής απαξίωσης.
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Flashback - Theatrical Museum |
The Theatre Museum was founded in 1938 by the Greek Playwrights Society under the Presidency of author Theodoros Synadinos.
Yannis Sideris, the great historian of Greek Theatre, was the Firsts Director of the Museum, dedicating his life and work to
the meticulous gathering...
Activities - Purposes |
Organizes and offers gratis conducted tours around the Museum to pupils of all school levels, also to students, theatre groups
and other visitors
Cooperates with specialized tutors and hosts educational programs for children.
Museum Library |
The LIBRARY of the Centre stores a considerable number of books and journals covering both the national and international repertoire as well as the subject of the theory of theatre. Of great value are the collections of plays manuscripts, old editions and rare drama translations.
Museum Events – Theatre Awards |
The “Hellenic Centre of Theatrical Research – Theatre Museum” organizes every two years a very brilliant festivity, offering THEATRE AWARDS, rewarding important actors, actresses, directors, set and costume designers, composers, choreographers, theatre authors and translators for their excellent presence or roles throughout their careers in greek theatre performances.
Great Personalities of the Greek Theatre |